December 27, 2008
Dr. Borislav Stankovic Secretary General Emeritus Federacion Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) Dear Dr. Stankovic: A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you and your family. Last night (December 26), Dr. Carl Menky Ching surprised me with a call. I was happy to talk to him after having not communicated with him for a long time. Dr. Ching sent out his Christmas greetings, rekindled our friendship through the years then mentioned the purpose of his call. It was about my criticism of the two FIBA clowns, Patrick Baumann (secretary-general) and Bob Elphinston (president). Actually, I was not keen to discuss this topic with Dr. Ching. It is my personal belief that Dr. Ching, a truly friend whom I respect deeply, should never be involved in anyway with my battle against Patrick and Bob, who have not been performing to the best interest of the FIBA. This is my own battle and I intend to fight this battle till my last breath. Nonetheless, I will personally visit Dr. Ching in Hong Kong next week. I will tell him my side of the story and hand to him pertinent documents related to the mischief and wrongdoings of Patrick and Bob whom the vast majority of basketball-loving Filipinos so despise because of their poor handling and interference of our basketball association in the Philippines. Dr. Ching informed me that you had asked him to tell me to stop attacking Patrick and Bob. I told Carl that it was impossible to do that. Much as I respect him, I can't and I won't. Nonetheless, I remain loyal to Carl since we have known each other for more than two decades. Maybe I will change my mind but only after Carl has seen the damaging documents I have against Bob and Patrick. I will also inform him about their discrimination and racist stance against Asian people. I intend to ask Dr. Ching to support my cause through his organization, the United World Chinese Association, of which I am also a member. In our telephone conversation, I likewise told him that I could no longer rely on the support of our fellow Asian Dato' Yeoh Choo Hock, who apparently is now beholden to Patrick and Bob because he has to protect his own interests in FIBA Asia. When I last attended the FIBA Asia Executive Board in Iran on August 31, 2008, Dato' seemed confused on his own stand regarding the recent election held to choose the new leadership in the BAP-SBP. Our group held the election in accordance with the Bangkok Agreement signed on February 4, 2007 in Thailand. Why has Dato' changed colors? Maybe it's because he could not afford to go against the greedy Baumann, who manipulated and conspired with a moneyed faction in our country to destroy a FIBA family (BAP) of more than 70 years. How immoral can he be? And at what price is this? Every time I go abroad, the FIBA or FIBA Asia does not spend a single centavo on my airfare. In contrast, the FIBA spends as much as it wishes for members of the FIBA Central Board. When I attended the FIBA Youth Commission meeting in Geneva in November 2007, I paid for my own ticket. Worse, Baumann verbally abused me during a dinner upon my arrival. Showing his racist color, he cracked insulting jokes that put me in a bad light then questioned my personal document and identity by belittling Asian, particularly Chinese people. Shame on him. Then came along this nice-guy, sweet-talking Bob Elphinston, replacement of Dr. Ching as FIBA President. Bob seemingly does not respect Carl enough even if the latter had served the FIBA from 2002 to 2006 with utmost dedication. It was also Dr. Ching who approved Baumann's 12-year contract to work for the FIBA family as secretary-general. Now you see Baumann discrediting and destroying the Basketball Association of the Philippines (BAP) and suspending the organization for more than two years without any justifiable reason. Dr. Ching recommended to Baumann that the suspension be lifted but the despotic Baumann disregard Dr. Ching's advise in February 2006.Baumann certainly does not know what decency is all about. All he cares is what is it for him financially. Baumann interfered in our internal affair even if he knew very well that it was our Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) that was to be blamed in our basketball leadership squabble. The head of the POC went to the FIBA office in Geneva and worse, Baumann signed a Memorandum of Agreement with them in September 2005 as if it was the POC that was the FIBA member, and not the BAP. Of course, Baumann did it for his own interests as well. Baumann wanted to be in the good graces of the POC to be able to attract another vote in his desire to become an IOC member. Again, Dr. Ching was never consulted or took part in the MOA process. Talk of ingratitude, Baumann's is the quintessential example. He had conveniently forgotten that it was Dr. Carl Ching who was instrumental in Baumann's eventual election as IOC member. Dr. Ching had seen the need for a basketball representative in the IOC and recommended Baumann for that position. I have received a lot of e-mails praising me in my crusade for what is right and truthful. Mr. Stankovic, I respect you enough that I have not spoken ill of you. I have known you as far back as in 1998 when we were together in Malaysia and Hong Kong at different times. Only once was I surprised by your comments sometime in August 2001 in Saitama, Japan where I attended the FIBA Junior Men Championship. You had asked Dato' Yeoh if the BAP president Tiny Literal was really a Filipino, and not a Chinese. You had wanted Mr. Literal to see you personally in Japan during the final day of the competitions (a Sunday it was) just to prove he was really a Filipino. It was Dato' who informed me of your request that Mr. Literal and I pay you a visit to Japan. The request came way too late as it was nearly impossible to get an entry visa on short notice. Yet, we managed to secure our visas and get to Japan on time. In seeking his personal appearance, it was crystal clear that all of you wanted was to confirm if Mr. Literal was really a Filipino. For whatever reason you had in mind, I decided not to take issue with you even if I really believed there was a racial undertone to it. During that meeting in Saitama, you told me, "You don't trust me, you don't trust me." I was taken aback by your statement. My reply was that it was not all about trust. It was about confidence (or the lack of it) in our leadership. We had had some financial problems at the time, having to spend a fortune for six elections in a period of eight months to resolve the leadership crisis. Yet you wanted another election to be held, as if you believed the process was not credible. Even then, I followed your advice. And so another election was called and the result turned out to be the same – Mr. Literal once again won as BAP president. Had Baumann not suspended the BAP on July 3, 2005, the problem that we experience today might have been avoided. Details of Baumann's own investigation on the matter, which was favorable to the BAP, are all documented in his letters to the POC and BAP in July and August of the same year (2005). According to Baumann, the suspension against the BAP was meant to pressure the POC to reinstate the BAP as a member. For that reason, our group agreed. However, such case did not happen, the POC continued to harass the BAP and subsequently sought its demise. Recently, I was kicked out of the FIBA Youth Commission. It was done without any due process, which according to any human being. It's a surprise that Baumann does not honor this principle even if he claim he is a lawyer. Patrick and Bob connived to dismiss me days before the BAP-SBP members/stakeholders were to call for a National Congress on May 17, 2008 and hold elections on June 4, 2008. On record, Congressman Luis Villafuerte was elected BAP-SBP chairman and Honorable Prospero Pichay was elected BAP-SBP president in accordance with the Bangkok Agreement. For your information, Mr. Stankovic, I refused to take any position in the BAP-SBP organization. Until now, I am not a BAP-SBP official. Like the moneyed head of the other BAP-SBP faction that he favors to protect his own interests, Baumann was a signatory to the Bangkok Agreement. Now, Baumann conveniently disregards the legal document. Baumann chose to recognize the another group that did not have even a quorum during its bogus elections on June 12, 2008. The bogus lawyer that he is, Baumann shamelessly does not care if what he did was morally wrong and despicable. This does not speak well of a FIBA official or leader. Add to the fact that he has a personal stake in his decision to side with the other group. He had hoped to cash in with his marketing schemes not for the benefit of the FIBA family but rather for his personal gain. Even Dato' Yeoh can't seem to protect the interest of our FIBA Asia members. I once respected his person but now I am having second thoughts. I am a righteous man of principles. I will never allow my family and I to be disrespected by high-handed people who looked down on Asians. The Chinese Overseas Brotherhood has already committed its unequivocal support to my cause. And when I visit Dr. Ching in Hong Kong early next week, I will explain the controversy-related events that occurred from 2005 to this day. I also hope to get the full support of the United World Chinese Association in Beijing. Mr. Stankovic, I don't know why I should stop now, for I have just started my campaign. My honor can't be bought and my principles can never be compromised. It is Bob and Patrick who have a lot of explaining to do, especially Bob, who will be the subject of my letter soon. Patrick, on the other hand, should explain truthfully how much he has benefited from the dubious marketing schemes he has had with other organizations. If there is some decency left in them, Patrick and Bob should consider resignation from the FIBA family for their incompetence and racist attitude toward the Chinese and other Asian people. Long before I personally beg to Baumann's compassion to lift the suspension on the BAP but was ignored without any conscience. With the support of many righteous persons, "I intend to win this war". Dr. Stankovic, you will be receiving this letter through electronic mail addressed to the FIBA office. You may want to know that the shameless Baumann, who has been harassing the BAP people for so many years, even had the nerve to deny our access to the FIBA office by blocking or cutting of facsimile telephone lines from the FIBA list. Dr. Stankovic, the truth hurts. Then again, only the truth shall set all of us free. After reading this letter, I hope you yourself will be more enlightened. Rest assured you will hear from me again in a week's time. Take care. Respectfully yours, GRAHAM C. LIM Secretary-General Basketball Association of the Philippines (BAP)
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